Formula 1: The date of the 2021 Azerbaijan Grand Prix has been announced

2021-ci ildə keçiriləcək “Formula 1” üzrə dünya çempionatının təxmini təqvimi bəlli olub.

SThe list also includes the date of the Azerbaijani Grand Prix. The competition in Baku is scheduled for April 23-25.

Liberty Media, which owns the commercial rights to Formula 1, has announced that they are close to ending the calendar for the new season. In 2021, 22 competitions are planned.

The next season may start on March 14 in Bahrain. The final race of the year is expected to take place on December 5 in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

It is not ruled out that there will be some changes in the calendar due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Təxmini təqvim:

14 mart – Bəhreyn
28 mart – Vyetnam
11 aprel – Çin
25 april – Azerbaijan
2 may – Niderland
9 may – İspaniya
23 may – Monako
6 iyun – Kanada
20 iyun – Avstriya
27 iyun – Fransa
11 iyul – Böyük Britaniya
25 iyul – Macarıstan
29 avqust – Belçika
5 sentyabr – İtaliya
19 sentyabr – Rusiya
26 sentyabr – Sinqapur
10 oktyabr – Yaponiya
24 oktyabr – Avstraliya
7 noyabr – ABŞ
14 noyabr – Meksika
28 noyabr – Səudiyyə Ərəbistanı
5 dekabr – BƏƏ